Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Tasting Fat Cat Chardonnay

Name: Fat Cat
Variety: Chardonnay
Region: California
Country: United States
Year: 2013
Price: $8.49

Wine Review: I could not find a review for this wine online either, but this is the description of the wine offered on Fat Cat's website, "Bright and crisp as a bebop band, our straw-colored Chardonnay is in perfect harmony with fresh fruit flavors, hints of vanilla and butterscotch, and delicate apple and peach finish notes. Snappy. Impressive. Yes, it does its sunny California grape heritage proud."

My Review: I bought this wine mostly because of the label.  This Chardonnay went down smoothly.  I would score this between a 3-4.  If it were served at a party, I would for sure drink it, and I might buy it again.  It didn’t have a lot of alcohol heat present, and it was very fruity.  I think this wine might have been better, had it been paired with food, maybe something spicy would have brought out some good flavors.  All in all, it wasn’t terrible; it felt like a standard plain wine, nothing exciting.

Food: I did not have this wine with food.

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