Saturday, March 5, 2016

Tasting Grand Cru Pinot Noir

Grand Cru Pinot Noir
Name: Grand Cru
Variety: Pinot Noir
Region: California
Country: United States
Year: 2013
Price: $6.95

Wine Review: A rich red wine, hearty in nature and smooth in flavor from RJS Craft Winemaking Grand Cru collection. The soft texture and dark color complement the flavors of berry fruit, with a subtle raspberry undertone. (midwest

My Review: I wasn’t super into this wine, especially after I first smelled it.  It had a mild nail polish remover smell to it and no other strong smells came through to counter that.  Upon drinking it, the wine immediately coated the palette and felt sort of syrupy in texture.  This one had to be my least favorite of the wines for this week and I would probably rate this as a 1; I don’t see myself recommending this wine to anyone.

Food: I did not have this wine with food.

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