Thursday, March 17, 2016

Tasting Frisk Riesling

Frisk Riesling
Name: Frisk
Variety: Riesling
Region: Victoria
Country: Australia
Year: 2014
Price: $11.29

Wine Review: It's back, the sweetly effervescent Riesling from Down Under that's an over-the-top hit. From Frisk: "This zippy Riesling is floral and weighted, with notes of lime sorbet, rose petals and a hint of fennel. With its racy verve, subtle complexity and just a tinge of sweetness, it’s a perfect companion for both sweet and spicy dishes...or simply on its own. Refreshingly complex on the palate, it will make you wonder how you emptied your glass so quickly - and have you reaching for another." (

My Review: The wine smelled really sweet, but did not have a lot else going on.  There was more heat than I was expecting, and it was generic until the extra sweet finish.  It had some bubbles when we poured it, and it almost seemed a tad carbonated.  I would rate this a 3-4; I would drink it if it were served at a party, and would maybe purchase it myself.

Food: I had this wine with parmesan cheese and garlic cheddar cheese and crackers.

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